Reports, Overview:Automation Premium provides an extensive suite of reports for all accounting and marketing functions. Reports are accessed from a drop down menu listing the report types; a further sub-menu displays the selection available. Our reporting module gives you the ability to view on screen, print to your local or network printer or even export into popular formats for display in programs such as Excel and Lotus.
Reports, Accessing: Reports are accessed by selecting the reports option from the top of the screen; reports are grouped into the following types. To view the sub menu point at the type of report required, pointing and clicking on the report name will open the report.
Reports, Options:The reports available consist on the following:
Accounts Receivable |
Open Invoices By Customer |
Displays a list of all invoices with outstanding balances, including subtotal by customer and a grand total. |
Receivables Aging Summary |
Displays a list of customers with an outstanding balance listing in columns current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 120 days plus
Invoice Summary |
This report can be run over any date range. It displays a list of invoices by customer, vehicle and registration number including a breakdown of parts, labour and gross profit with a grand total on all data columns
Receipts Report |
The report can be run for any date range. Displays all payments received including media, to assist with till balancing it also contains details of any purchases processed during the report period |
Client Activity |
Allows you to view the sales and payment history by single client |
Service Sales Summary |
The report is run on date range and displays performance by service including number of services sold, labour, parts, gross profit on parts and total gross profit by service. Subtotal include fixed price and mechanical work performed. |
Item Sales Summary |
Summarises item sales over a chosen date range by category |
Sales Detail By Invoice |
Allows for the selection of jobs and or invoices, displays item detail including cost, retail, and gross profit both as a dollar and percentage value. |
Sales Detail By Date
Job Summary Report |
Select a date range to view job and or invoice details including cost, retail, and gross profit both as a dollar and percentage value. Can run for any date range or period – displays parts, labour sales by client category including value of sub-contract work sold |
Adjustments |
Reports on invoice and job re-openings and deletions. Detail includes original and closing invoice value plus employee name. |
Promotion Response Report |
Lists responses by promotion type including client vehicle and sales value |
Upsell Report |
Itemises service sales based on whether they were added to the booking form or directly onto the job card. Provides comparison statistics in both dollar and percentage vales |
Exception Report |
Allows the operator to run a sales exception report over any date range based on % of gross profit above / below a stated value for parts or services. Matches also display the % variable value. |
Sales Performance |
Services sold on a daily basis includes average value. |
Client Spend |
Search by date range to view clients in order of spend value |
Sales By Service
Vehicle Service Detail Report
Discount Sales Profit Report Viewings Sales By Service Sales By Service Category
Search by date range service sales, view transaction date, Job #, Client, Parts & Labour sold, totals. Search by date range for job detail, includes services sold, hours by service, parts and labour values. Displays the sales processed using a discount card. Lists the viewings by user, date and time. Views service sales by client or by service Search by date range service sales by category, view transaction date, Job #, Client, Parts & Labour sold, totals.
Purchase Reports
Item Purchase Detail |
Reports by item on purchases made over a selected period including supplier, billing number and quantity purchased. |
Supplier Purchase Detail |
Ability to select a single or multiple suppliers, choose a date range and display all item purchase detail. |
Supplier Purchase Summary |
Displays total purchases by supplier and month over a pre-selected period. Ability to view all or choose single or multiple suppliers. |
Supplier Report By Item Category |
Displays a list of suppliers, providing purchase summary data by category. Totalises the value of purchases by category including a grand total of all category purchases. |
Purchase Transaction Report |
Purchases by account and cost centre including supplier and authorised person details. |
Purchases By Allocation |
Allows the user to view allocations of inventory and buy-ins to jobs over a selected date range |
Purchase Order Detail |
The report can be run over any data range with further selections of all suppliers, single or multiple and shows detail of all outstanding purchase orders
Inventory Valuation |
Ability to select single, multiple or all categories Lists inventory items on hand including financial information by item. Report includes sub totals by category and a grand total of the value of all categories. |
Inventory Stock Status |
Displays inventory by category including quantities on hand, minimum levels, items required for jobs and items on order |
Re-Order Report |
Can be run by category or supplier. The report displays all items below the minimum order level calculating suggested quantities based on the difference between stocks on hand and maximum quantity settings. |
Price List |
Displays the retail prices of all inventory / non-inventory items by category selection or all. |
Barcode Print Out |
Only available once the barcode module is registered. Prints barcode sheets & labels by selection or stock received |
Stock Adjustments |
Displays stock adjustments made including quantity, total value and employee name. |
Item Detail |
The report can be filtered by category (view single / multiple or all) displays cost, retail, wholesale and trade prices including GP and % for each price point. |
Stock Movement By Source |
The report can be filtered by category (view single / multiple or all) the information can be sorted by sales and purchase quantity. The report has been written so you can identify slow moving parts and reduce stock holding or eliminate the item from your stock holding. |
Inventory Overstock |
Reports on all items in stock that are over the maximum level – Lists by category |
Supplier Invoices |
Lists unpaid / paid invoices and Credits by all or selected suppliers over any date range including totals owed to each supplier and days exceeded trading terms. |
Supplier Aging Summary |
Displays suppliers with an outstanding balance listing in columns current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 120 days plus |
Tax Detail |
Displays sales and purchases including tax component by tax code for a pre-selected date range. Ability to run on a cash or accrual basis. |
Tax Liability
Can be run on a cash or accrual basis. Displays all tax liabilities over a pre-selected date range. Run on a cash or accrual basis for a specified date range. |
Tax Remittance |
Lists payments made for tax liabilities including payment media and detail of each transaction
By Date |
Can be filtered by transaction type and date, detail includes account and amount. |
By Account |
Lists transactions over a pre-selected date range by account. Detail includes supplier or client name, amounts and indicates if the transaction has been reconciled. |
Profit & Loss |
Profit & Loss Comparison |
Provides you with the ability to compare profit & loss statements with the same period from the previous year. Displayed is the dollar and % value of change between both set of financials. |
Trial Balance |
In traditional accounting, a document that adds up all the debits and credits so that mistakes can be traced if debits don't equal credits. |
Journals & Transfers |
Lists all journals and transfers between accounts over a pre-selected date range. Includes a total of all transactions. |
Accountants Review |
Can be run on a cash or accrual basis, the report consists of the detail of all transactions over a pre-selected period. |
Financial Summary |
The financial summary displays a “snap shot” of your financials for a selected period, including your average daily operating costs and daily average net profit. The report also totalises your key asset and liability accounts as of the last day of the report period |
KPI Report |
Displays Profit and Loss, gross profit ratios and productivity by technician |
Transaction Detail |
A listing that shows you your bank transactions both credits and deposits. For example, a transaction history for a customer payment shows the invoices to which you applied the payment and the bank deposit. |
Deposit Detail |
Details deposits you've entered. Initially, the report covers this month-to-date, but you can change the period covered by choosing a different date range from the date’s drop-down list. The Name column lists the customers whose payments were included in the deposit. The Amount column shows how much of each customer's payment was included in the deposit.
Payroll Summary |
Summarises payroll payments by employee for a pre-selected date range. Details include tax and superannuation deductions. |
Payroll Detail |
Displays detail of payroll payments by single, multiple or all employees. Details include payment media. |
Transaction Detail |
Details payment and deduction types by employee and pay period over a selected data range |
Holiday & Sick Allocations
PAYG Payment Summary |
Details holiday and sick allowances by employee over a selected data range Allows you to print group certificates for a single or multiple employees |
PAYG Payment Summary Statement
Super Contributions Report Employee Detail Report
Prints a summary statement for individual or multiple employees including reportable superannuation payments Lists individual superannuation contributions by employee and fund. Ability to print individual employee details |
Hours By Job
Hours By Technician
Incentive Report
Labour Allocation |
Displays or prints the details of all time allocations by job / technician plus there is a summary totaling actual hours worked and charged and contribution by employee including percentage of the total.
Listing of hours charged compared with actual hours worked includes totals and differentials by employee. Prints the hours allocated for a single technician by job, there is also the ability to enter a cut in point for a productivity incentive payment based on the hours exceeding the incentive threshold. Ie: report is run for 5 days with an incentive threshold of 30hours and incentive of $10.00, total hours charged 38 hours above the threshold equals 8 total incentive payable $80.00. View the charged and actual hours worked by day and technicians, Summarises the hours worked and charged for the pre-selected month displaying the variation between values. |
Worksheet |
Allows you to print a worksheet for a selected period by individual or multiple technicians |
Productivity Report |
Displays productivity for a selected day or date range for all technicians |
Non-Chargeable Time Report
Clocked / Estimated Time Report Efficiency / Productivity
Displays time allocations to non-chargeable times by type and technician. Compares estimated time with actual clocked time by job. Displays profit from each individual employee |
Client Service History |
Displays a list of work performed by client by vehicle including a financial summary. |
Vehicle Service History |
Displays a list of services performed on a selected vehicle including total invoice value |
Services Due |
Enter a date range in the future a list of services / registrations or warrants due over that period including customer contact details is displayed to screen to print the report select the print icon at the top of the display. |
No Response |
Enter a date range in the past a list of customers and vehicles for which the service dates have not changed is displayed to screen, details include client’s phone numbers. |
Estimate Report |
Allows the operator to view all estimates that have not been converted to jobs over any date range. Includes quotation value. |
Demographic Report |
Run over any date range. The report contains valuable client and vehicle and sales information including graphs. Selecting the printer icon at the top of screen will print the report. |
Loyalty Report |
Displays current point status by client / vehicle including points accrued by service, redemptions and totals. |
Loyalty Statement |
Prints loyalty statements for single or multiple clients, shows points accrued by service and total to date. |
RSA Customer List
Client Intro Report
Marketing Response Report
Lists all customers and vehicles covered for roadside assistance includes start and expiree dates. Details how clients came to hear of the site, how many were male / female and the level of response to promotions in both statically and graphically. Displays individual allocations in dollar value to each promotional type including percentage contribution to total sales.
Lists |
Fault List |
Prints all text entered into the vehicle faults database. |
Work Done Category List Client List Supplier List
Account List
Service List Other Items |
Prints all text entered into the work done database Prints category listings by group. Allows you to print a client list filtered by category. Allows for the display / printing of a current supplier listing including contact details, email and trading terms. Prints your chart of accounts with the ability to filter by accounts with balances only. Prints a list of services including stored parameters. Prints a list of items allocated to other i.e.: expenses
Other Reports |
New Client / Booking Form
Technician Barcodes SMS Log Loan Car Report Bookings
Prints a booking form that contains client, vehicle, service, vehicle availability and work authorisation details. Print bar codes for sites scanning technicians onto jobs. Lists SMS messages sent for a selected period. Documents loan car movements over a given date range. Prints blank booking sheets
Graphs |
Income & Expenses |
Compares income and expenses in a graphic format |
Reports, Printing Statements: Statements can be printed for all clients with balances other than zero or for selected clients. Select the activities / create statements. Selecting outstanding will allow you to print statements for all clients with an outstanding balance. Choosing the selective option allows you to select individual or multiple clients you wish to print statements for. Selecting outstanding will initiate the print run, when selecting clients printing will initialise once the OK button is selected.
Reports, Printing:All reports are displayed to screen, to print double click on the print icon at the top of the screen. There may be a short time delay as the report is prepared for printing, next select how many copies you wish to print from the windows print option.
Reports, Saving to PDF: Automation allows you to save any report to a PDF File, when the report is displayed a PDF option can be accessed from the tool bar.
Selecting this function allows you to name and choose the location where you wish to store the file, it is then possible to print or attach to an email.
Reports, Export Function: All reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123, RTF or text coma delimited format. To perform these tasks select the export function from the bottom of the report print preview screen. Select the export file type; enter the name of the file and destination directory. To view the export data open the appropriate program and view the file.
Selecting this function from the top of the reports display allows you to export the data in various commonly used formats.
To select an export format, click on the button to the right of the format field. Point and click on the required export file type which will now display in the format field. Complete the export process by selecting OK, naming your file and selecting the destination.
Overview: Automation allows the operator to forecast profit and loss account values by month for up to 12 months. It is then possible to compare the forecast with actual values and view the difference by account. It is suggested that operators wishing to use this feature forecast on a financial year basis, a copy option makes it easy to duplicate values for different periods.
Budgeting, Opening: Move your cursor to the top of the screen and select Admin, from the drop down menu point and click on the budgeting option. The display lists your profit and loss accounts, at the top of the budgeting screen are the following options:
Budgeting, Entering A forecast: Firstly select your starting month, next move to the year field point on the down arrow and highlight the year, finally move across to the forecast months, from the drop down selection choose the number of months you wish to include in your forecast.
To allocate a forecast value, point and click in the cell to the right of the account name, enter the value, use the down arrow key to move to the next cell, enter a value then continue down the column recording values against each account you wish to forecast. Note: If you wish to cancel a value, type 00 into the field
As you enter values the totals are updated with the forecast net profit being adjusted accordingly.
Only profit and loss accounts are displayed, enter values to accounts that you are posting to. The nil value accounts are not displayed when reporting.
Budgeting, Copying And Pasting Values: You may wish to copy one month’s forecast to another, to perform this task point and click on the month title field of the values you wish to copy the column will highlight go to the top of the display, select copy, next highlight the column you wish to copy the data to and select paste, the column is populated with the copied values.
Budgeting, Reporting: Automation allows you to run two report formats, one displays forecast values only the other compares forecast with actual values and variations, the other allows you to view the forecast values only. To run a report select the report option from the bottom of the screen.
The prompt requests whether you wish to display the actual values, choosing no will display only the forecast values, selecting yes prints the actual, forecast and variation values.
To print the reports select the printer icon at the top left hand corner of the report display screen.
Profit Report Reminder, Audit Report: To view who has accessed (if manage users is selected) the profit report for which job and when go to Reports / Sales Reports / Profit Report Viewings, select the date range, the report will display to print select the print option located on the top task bar.
Note: In the example user is displayed when manage users has not been initialised, when this option is selected Automation can identify the user and enter the details onto the report under the user heading.
KPI & Financial Summary Reporting
Overview: The key performance indicator and financial summary report are now aligned due to an option in the general ledger report menu titled “Cost Calculations”, from this option the user is able to select expense and COGS accounts that contribute to either the cost of labour or the cost of parts. Also to get a more accurate daily calculation from the KPI report it is possible in site settings to record the annual trading days.
KPI & Financial Summary Report, Settings: To achieve an accurate result from these reports it is essential that two vital areas of information are completed. Firstly open Site Settings from the file menu, select the Database settings tab, in the field to the right of the form titled “Yearly Trading Days” enter the total for the year ie: if you trade for five and a half days per year for 50 weeks of the year (allowing for closures due to public holidays) the calculation would be 50 x 5.5 = 275.
Secondly you need to set the account parameters for the reports by selecting Reports / General Ledger / Cost Calculations. This option allows the user to assign which accounts contribute costs to parts or labour regardless of whether they are a COGS or expense account. Be aware that the table will always display all COGS account and the wages expense account, if you wish to display multiple wage accounts set up as an expense account you will need to make them sub accounts of wages as per the following example.
If you wish to ignore a cost, select other, the totalisations will remain the same on both reports however the contributing costs to parts or labour will alter by the value you post to other.
KPI Report, Display & Print:The cost calculations will remain as the default for both the KPI and Financial Summary report until edited. To display and print a KPI report select Reports / General Ledger / KPI Report, date range. To print select the print icon on the top task bar.
KPI, Gross Profit Ratios & Efficiency Calculations: GP ratios are generated from total parts and labour (plus other if applicable) minus the allocated costs as per the accounts selected in the cost calculation table.
Efficiency reporting is based on the hours charged compared to the hours worked (actual) by employee the efficiency is measured in a percentage reading. Productivity compares the hours available (as per daily hours on the employee form) to hours charged to arrive at a productivity percentage reading.
Financial Summary, Display & Print: To display and print a Financial Summary report select Reports / General Ledger / Financial Summary, select your date range. To print select the print icon on the top task bar.
Financial summary report daily values are based on the annual trading days recorded in site settings.
General Ledger Report: To run this report select Accounts from the top of screen / General Ledger, to view the transactions make your date and account selections. There is a print button on the general ledger screen. Clicking this will simply create a duplicate report of the transactions currently shown, including any/all filters that are currently set for date, type, reference, etc. Note that the general ledger screen itself has a limit of 5000 records to be shown on screen at one time, but the report itself does not have that limitation.
Use the filters and the type selection to locate the records required, to print select the print option at the bottom of the display.
Reporting, Service Sales By Client: Introduces the ability to track service sales including quantity, total value, parts and labour by client or by service selection to list the clients you have invoiced.
Service Sales by Client, Accessing: Select Reports / Sales Reports / Service Sales By Client.
If you choose selective for client you will be taken to the client listing, for services to the service listing, finally select the date range, OK to run.
Reporting, Technicians Efficiency / Productivity, Accessing: Select Reports / Technicians Reports, choose the extra accounts you wish to take into consideration when calculating the cost of an individual technician. These could include expense items such as training, staff amenities, and workers compensation. When you select one of these accounts the total transactions posted over the period of the report will be divided by the quantity of active technicians on the payroll. When you run the report you will see a list of accounts to include, the list excludes all wages and superannuation accounts as the core values are generated from payroll records, select which ones you wish to include – these will remain as the default until you de-select / select.
Once you have made your selections, select OK (F12) to move to the date range, enter and select OK (F12) the report is displayed on screen. To Print select the print option from top of screen.