Automation allows you to manage the sales process effectively by providing an option for each transaction type. For instance you can perform a simple cash sale or create a booking and job card to retain details of both customer and vehicle or create a charge invoice requiring only the client details to be recorded. All invoice forms and job cards share the same operating features making it easy to familiarise yourself with the all-important sales functions of Automation.
If you wish to produce another type of transaction other than a vehicle booking you are required to select the invoice option at the top of screen or the function keys related to that sale type.
Cash Sale – Do not record the client or vehicle details
Charge Invoice – Record the client details only
Vehicle Invoice - records both client and vehicle details but does not place the job on the diary screen
Invoicing, Setup: Setup options for the invoice layout are accessed from File / Printer settings. Options include the ability to use letterhead stationery, adjust the top printer margin, invoice type, copies to be printed and selection of a logo. See installing Automation Premium. There are other options that will affect the invoice layout these include:
Track Loyalty Points: If you are operating a loyalty program mouse click in the appropriate field. When using the loyalty program member’s invoices display a statement of points to date.
Track RSA: This feature allows you to issue roadside assistance to your clients if you intend using support services.
RSA Contact Number: If you are issuing roadside assistance to your client base type in the contact number, which will be printed on the invoice. If you are using support services the number will be supplied to you. RSA issue details are printed on the invoice if this feature is selected. See Installing Automation for further details.
The job card allows the operator to enter parts from either the catalogue (no stock control), inventory listing or as a buy in (parts bought specifically for a job). Automation also allows the addition of extra services and the ability to create purchase orders for suppliers. A financial summary is displayed showing a breakdown of parts and, GST is also recorded in this area. Text relating to work done and vehicle faults are entered directly onto the job card. To save entries without exiting the job card select the save option from the bottom of the form.
Job Card, Creating: - A job card can be created once the booking is completed in two ways.
1) Directly from the booking screen before it is committed to the diary.
2) Selecting the booking (Blue Bar) from the Diary screen.
From the booking form click on create new job card, a prompt will appear displaying previous vehicle faults (If faults have been reported prior to this job card being created).
Job Card, Previous Vehicle Faults: If the vehicle has been worked on previously and vehicle faults were reported an option to paste the faults list to the new job card is in view. Selecting the copy command will place this text into the vehicle faults section of the new job card. It is suggested these are always copied to the new job to ensure consistency in reporting, if some items are found to have been attended to the operator can edit the text in the vehicle faults section of the job card. The new list of faults will then overwrite the previous record to be displayed when the next job card is created. Selecting yes or no will now create a new job card. Remember to save the new job card you must exit only using the OK (F12). Once a job card is created the booking time line will turn light red on the diary screen to indicate work in progress.
Job Card, Layout: The job card is split into areas each of which has a specific function these are:
Client Details: Includes address and contact numbers
Parts & Labour: This window displays all services and parts attached to this job including the retail price. The FP column indicates the fixed price status of both services and parts.
Summary: Displays job card totalization for parts and labour plus the tax component
Vehicle Details: Information includes registration, make & model, RSA details, odometer and the next service due.
Vehicle Report: Allows you to add faults and other text by free typing or selecting from the faults database.
Work Done: Records all work performed, any text entered during the booking process will be displayed in this area
Salesperson: Enter the name of the salesperson if required
Order Number: Displays order number entered on the booking form – number can also be entered once the job card is open
Source: Allows you to track the stock movements from a recorded source ie: mobile unit, or a section of the business that you wish to report on
Source, Entering: Go to lists, from the drop down menu select source, to enter a new source select new. In the text field enter the source title and save with OK (F12).
Source, Deleting: Select the source you wish to delete and mouse click on the delete option.
Source, Editing: To edit a source highlight the record in the source listing and select edit, make your changes and save with OK (F12)
Source, Reporting: To run a report select reports, inventory, stock movement by source, from the options choose the date range and part type you wish to report on, you also have a choice to view multiple or single sources.
Job Card, Adding A Service: To add an additional service to the job card select add service. The service listing is now displayed select a service by moving the cursor with the arrow keys or pointing and clicking on the service description. This process will flag the service by placing a tick in the box to the right of the list; multiple services can also be flagged for importing to the job card. Selecting OK (F12) will paste your selections to the job card.
Job Card, Hide Hours On Invoice: Automation defaults all non-fixed price services to not show hours on the invoice. Ie: 2 hours of labour sold at $60.00 per hour will print as labour = $120.00. You can however show labour by the hour 2 hours x $60.00 = $120.00. To show hours on the invoice point at the non-fixed price service and double click. The service form is now in view, point at the hide hours on the invoice check box and click. The hours charged will now print on the invoice.
this option from the service form if you wish to display hours charged.
Loyalty, Redeeming Loyalty Points – If the operator is using the loyalty Programme feature it is possible to redeem points to pay for a service. Firstly select the service form enter the amount of points required to cover the cost of the service. Selecting the use loyalty point’s option from the service form will check the client’s loyalty point balance and deduct the redemption value from the total.
this option from the service form will allow you to redeem loyalty points.
Note: If the reward account does not contain enough points to cover the cost of the service a warning will be displayed and the transaction will not be allowed.
Job Card, Adding Parts: Highlight the service you are adding the parts to, this ensures the items are listed under that service on the invoice; parts are also allocated correctly for reporting purposes. Select the add part button to enter parts from either the catalogue listing or inventory file, to select an item type the part number into the search field and select by either pointing and clicking or pressing the enter key. Multiple selections are available from this screen, when all selections are made click on OK (F12). The items are entered into the parts and labour section of the job card, point at the quantity and financial fields click to edit, you can navigate using your arrow keys. Note: If an inventory item is out of stock the word inventory is displayed in red.
Overview: Version 3.6.1 introduces the ability to allow importation of parts data to the job card directly from the Ezyparts catalogue. Automation Premium links vehicle data to the catalogue so when you open Ezyparts providing the vehicle information can be interpreted you can use the view option in Ezyparts to locate the vehicle from a WIP list to locate parts that are applicable to the specified make and model.
Ezyparts Setup: To setup your Ezyparts link you will firstly need to download a copy of the application from Bursons Auto Parts from, this needs to be authorised to be able to function. Once you have done this you next need to establish the link between Automation and Ezyparts. From the top of screen go to File / Site Settings / Online Settings in the centre of screen you will need to enter your Ezyparts credentials.
Once these have been entered you will see an Ezyparts icon on the task bar below the parts and labour section of the job card. Note: You can only establish your connection from the job as we have to send Ezyparts the vehicle information.
Ezyparts, Linking: To import catalogue items from Bursons firstly you need to go to the job card and select Ezyparts this will open a screen indicting that the job is waiting for a parts importation – DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW, leave it on screen and select the Ezyparts application icon from the bottom of your Windows screen, this opens the application.
To view vehicles that have work in progress select the view option from the Ezyparts form, highlight the entry you will now see the vehicle details from the selection.
You now have the option to search by category and select items by mouse clicking on the order icon which will grey out, next to import the items to Automation select the shop cart option a screen displaying your selected items is in view.
To finalise the import simply point and double click on the SEND TO Aut Prem option, the Ezyparts screen will finalise and place you back in Automation with the items listed in the parts and labour section.
Items are imported as inventory, if they are not in stock the item will be highlighted red in which case to establish the status of the items required you can raise an order directly from our job card (not integrated to Bursons). Note: Ezyparts is not available from the online job card
Job Card, Selecting Tax Codes: To change the default tax code point at the tax field of the line item you wish to edit and click, select a new tax code from the drop down list. If you wish to add a new tax code to the list, select lists / tax codes from the top of the screen and add to the list by selecting new from the bottom of the display.
Job Card, Fixed Price Services: When a fixed price service is added to a job card or invoice the FP column is ticked, all parts added to that service will automatically be flagged as being included in the fixed price service. If you wish to charge for an item (not included in the fixed price), point and click on the FP field, the financial summary will change to reflect the extra charge.
Job Card, Buy in: Allows you to enter goods received by supplier or create purchase orders for parts specific to the open job card. See purchasing for more details.
Job Card, Viewing or Editing Parts and Service Entries: arts and services can be edited only when the job card is open, viewing data can be performed from both open and closed job cards. To edit entries move your cursor to the part or service and point and click on the required line or select view / edit from the parts and labour data window.
Job Card, Removing Parts Or Services: Select the item you wish to remove by highlighting with your cursor, click on the remove function confirm the action. If a service is removed all associated parts will also be deleted from the job card.
Job Card, Moving Parts & Services: The parts & labour section of the job card allows the operator to change the order of parts and services by dragging and dropping items within the grid. To perform this ask highlight the item you wish to move, hold down the left hand mouse button and drag the item to the position you wish it to occupy.
It is also possible to move compete service (parts & labour), Automation allows you to move parts from one service to another on open jobs, however once a job is closed parts can only be moved within the service. You will have to reopen the job if you wish to move items between services.
Job Card, Copying & Pasting Contents: Automation allows you to copy the contents of a job card to another open job. To perform this task use the copy and paste buttons located under the parts and labour section of the job card.
the icon to the left will copy services, parts and text to the clipboard,
use the icon to the right to paste the clipboards content to another job
card. Automation gives you the option of overwriting the total job you
are pasting to, or appending, if you choose append the services and parts
already entered will not be affected by the paste. It is important to
note that if a job you are pasting already exists on the job card it will
be ignored, leaving the original entry intact including parts added. If
you wish to append an estimate open the estimate, choose copy, open the
job card you wish to append to and select append, the estimate will now
be added to your job.
If buy-ins form part of the paste you will be prompted to create an order selecting no will paste all items except buy-ins, on selecting yes your supplier list is displayed so you can choose the original or alternative supplier. Items are displayed on the job card as being on order. The supplier order can be converted to a bill once the items are delivered. Services & parts can be copied from open and closed job cards; however they can only be pasted to an open job.
Job Card, Inserting Text To Parts & Labour: You have the option to insert text into the parts and labour section of the job card on selection or automatically. The text is printed on the invoice under the part or service the text is attached to. The job text form provides the same text and link capabilities as the work done field, you can free type or insert text from your work done database by selecting the option from the bottom of the form. Spell checker is also available by selecting the abc option.
Job Card, Auto Insert To Job Text: Work done attached to services can be pasted automatically into the job text field instead of using the work done field. For this feature to work it is essential that you have text attached to the service and have selected that service text goes to service comments on job card from Settings / Database Settings.
this option from Settings / Database Settings to auto insert service text
to the job text field.
Access job text by performing the following:
Point and mouse click on the column located in the parts and labour grid to the left of the type field identified by … a text box will display. The field has a limitation of 64,000 characters and can be populated manually or automatically from attached service text.
When text has been added to the job item text field a note it icon is displayed in the column. To view text point and click on the note it icon.
Note: Text can be added to open or closed jobs using this feature.
Comments are printed on the final invoice under the item you attached the text to.
It is suggested that before accessing this feature you decide on how you wish your invoice to present. For instance you may decide that some services require the work description to be in the standard work done field, occasionally you may wish to print text under the service or part. In this situation it would be best to not select the auto entry option from settings and make manual entries according to the layout required.
Text Editing: Automation allows you to display and print text entered into the work done, job text or vehicle report fields in bold, italics or red. It you wish to change the text format point in front of the first character you wish to change, hold down the left mouse button and drag along the line until the blue shade finishes after the last character, release the mouse button. Next select the RIGHT HAND mouse button you will see a menu is displayed, select the format required and double left mouse click, the text format will change.
It is possible to using this feature to store multiple edits however these will have to be performed one at a time. To undo a format highlight the line of text right hand mouse click and click on the format you wish to change
Job Card, Applying A Discount: Allows the operator to allocate a discount to the job card. Discounts can only be added to open job cards, if you wish to apply a discount to a job card or invoice that is closed, reopen, apply the discount and close, the financial summary and the totals are adjusted accordingly.
Job Card, Spell Checker: Automation has an in-built spell check function for both the work done and vehicle report fields. To check and correct spelling first type into the text field, next select the ABC button located on the bottom right of each field.
If there is a spelling mistake a window is displayed listing suggested replacements
To replace a word highlight the selection from the suggestions list and click on change, to ignore a single entry click on ignore to ignore all entries of that word select ignore all. Select change all if you wish to replace all entries of the incorrectly spelt word in the text block. You can also add new words to the dictionary by selecting add. Selecting the suggest button will display the most probable replacement, to enter select change.
On completion of the spell check the check spelling display will automatically close. If you wish to cancel the spell check select the cancel option from the bottom right hand of the screen.
Note: The spell checker will only work for the work done and vehicle report fields.
Applying to Open Jobs: to allocate labour to single or multiple
technicians from an open job card select the labour button located under
the parts & labour section of the job card. To use this function you
will first need to setup your technicians in the employee list by selecting
Lists / Employees. If you wish to allocate the total hours to one technician
select with the mouse and click on allocate remainder. All the labour
has now been allocated to the technician selected. To enter multiple labour
allocations select a technician and type in the hours or dollar value,
select allocate. Repeat this procedure for any subsequent technicians
using allocate remainder on the final entry. The labour allocation form
allows you to record actual time worked, making it possible to track the
true productivity of technicians. When the task is completed save with
OK (F12). The allocated hours (charged & actual) will be recorded
in the technician’s reports; if you do not wish these statistics to form
part of your reporting do not apply labour to open job cards.
Card, Financial Report: The
report option displays financial details of the current job both by service
and part including percentages, sub totals and grand totals. It is possible
to include the cost of labour, which is based on the wages paid to technicians
over the last 90 days divided by the standard rate to display an hourly
cost or the value entered onto the employee form in the cost per hour
field. Entering a password and ticking the appropriate field in the control
variables can suppress the display of this information.
Job Card, Viewing Service History: Select history from the bottom of the form to view past job cards by selecting the arrow to the left of the button, selecting the right hand arrow will move the operator forward.
Job Card, Adding Vehicle Faults: This is a free typing field or text lines can be entered from the vehicle faults text listing by selecting adds vehicle faults and tagging each entry, selecting OK (F12) will paste the text to the data window.
Vehicle Faults, Adding Text: This function can be performed in two ways
From the job card by selecting Add vehicle faults
Selecting Lists / Vehicle Faults
Vehicle Faults, Entering Records: Select vehicle faults from either the job card or diary the list is now displayed, select new from the bottom of the data window. A vehicle faults details form allows you to enter a code and the required lines of text. Codes can be alpha or numeric or a combination of both. To save the new text lines, select OK (F12).
Job Card, Selecting Vehicle Faults: type the code or arrow to the required entry, your cursor will now highlight the text line to paste this onto the job card press enter or mouse click on the line a tick will appear in the box to the right. Multiple entries can be made from this screen. If a mistake is made and you wish to un-flag an entry, point at the line and mouse click or arrow up / down to place your cursor on the line and press enter. The tick is now no longer displayed indicting the line will not be pasted to the booking form and ultimately to the job card.
Vehicle Faults, Editing Entries: Select the list and move your cursor to the entry requiring editing, select edit from the bottom of the form, make the changes and save by selecting OK (F12).
Job Card, Selecting Client Details: Selecting the client button from the bottom of the job card displays client contact details, profile and history.
Job Card, Selecting Vehicle Details: Displays vehicle details including last service, next service warrant of fitness / registration renewals and RSA information.
Printing, Job Card: Selecting job card will display a job card including all information entered when the booking was first created and any subsequent information added to the job card after it was created. To print select the print icon located at the top of the display.
Job Card Printing, Duplicates: When attempting to re-print the job card a message will inform you that the job card has already been printed, you can of course print another copy if required by selecting the yes option.
Note: that the message will be displayed every time you print more than one job card.
Printing, Job Summary: Allows you to view and print the invoice as a job summary prior to closing the job card, the format is exactly the same as an invoice except the word invoice is replaced by job summary. If you are unsure or wish to check the invoice details from hard copy print a job summary before you close the job as no changes can be made once the job has been closed.
Job Card, Parts Ordering: To order parts required that are out of stock (indicated by the word inventory displayed red) from the job card task bar select the order option.
Job Card, Parts Order Status: The column to the right of the type field on the job card displays the order status for any items ordered regardless of whether they are ordered directly from the job card or purchasing function. Once a purchase order has been converted to a bill the order column will display a blank cell for the line item. When a buy-in part is ordered from the job card you will see the order entry, once the item has been processed the cell will turn green indicating the part has been delivered.
Job Card, Viewing Orders & Bills: To view an order simply point and double click on the ordered indicator to the right of the type field. If there are multiple orders in the system for an item yu are presented with a list, point at the entry you wish to view, if you wish to view multiple entries slect cancel from the PO you are viewing to go back to the list then select another PO from the list.
Buy-ins when a part has been processed onto a bill, pointing and double clicking on the completed option will open the bill displaying the purchase details of the part.
Job Card, Raising Orders: To raise an order directly from the job card select the order option from the bottom of the display, select your supplier and you will see a purchase order that lists all the items that have a zero or negative value in stock. If a part that is already on order is displayed on the job card with zero or negative stock the item will not be included on the purchase order form. You can of course view and edit any outstanding ordered directly from the job card by pointing and double clicking on the order status cell.
Job Card Closing, Outstanding orders: It is possible to close a job card with outstanding orders for inventory items as they may not be specific to the job. You can’t however close a job card with an outstanding order for a buy-in part as these items are deemed to be specific to the job.
Note: Access job notes made in the diary screen directly from the job card.
Job Card, Closing: To close a job card select close, the functions that follow depend on the setting in your control variables. You will notice there is a selection in this management function labeled auto procedure on job close if this is set to true the following will occur:
Email: Select to email the current form to your client
SMS: Select this option to send an SMS directly to your client from the job card.
Save: If you do not want to exit from the job card and are leaving your work station for a period of time (especially if you have auto log off turned on) save your work by selecting save.
Overview:Checklists lists can be printed or emailed to your customer, they can be made active or inactive, selecting a list as active will allow for the entry against each item indicating whether the test or inspection has passed, failed or is none applicable.
Note: For reference purposes from the lists menu we have changed the title attachments to Checklists and the checklists (for tasks) to To-Do-Lists
Checklists, Accessing:Checklists can be accessed from two areas of the application firstly the service form by selecting the Parts/Service Text tab, secondly from the lists you can select Checklists.
Checklists, Creating:To create a new checklist select new from the bottom of the display, place the title of the check into the title field, then move to the body of the form and enter your checks on single lines with the actual title of the service on the first line. Note the checklist will be inactive by default, inactive means you will not be able to flag each individual line as pass / fail / NA the list will simply print excluding these columns.
To convert a checklist to active simply select the active option from the top of the form, this action will change the format of the display presenting you with a table layout.
You have further options from this display, firstly you can select the title line to print on the checklist form, to do this click on the checkbox to the left of the text plus you can drag and drop items into a different order, point at a line to highlight, hold down the left hand mouse button then move the pointer to where you want the text to appear.
Checklist, Adding To A Service: To be accessible checklists must be attached to a service, to do this open the service form, select the Parts & Text option, select add from the bottom of the checklists section of the service form, select a single or multiple checks from the list by clicking in the checkbox to the right, to save your selections select OK.
Checklists, Accessing From The Job Card: To access active checklists from the job card select the checklist option located at the bottom of the display.
For the checklists to be visible you will need to have saved the job card, this can be done by selecting the save option or the OK button. If the job has not been saved a warning is displayed.
Checklists, Active:To populate an active checklist point and click in the appropriate cell, if you wish to pass all and then edit the items that need changing to fail or NA select the pass all option at the bottom of the list.
Checklists, Printing: Checklists on selection can be printed with the job card and the invoice, select print from the bottom of the job card, to print the job card with a checklist ensure the print checklist option is flagged. The procedure is the same when printing the final invoice.
Checklists, Repco ASQ: When service checklist are attached to data imported from ASQ you are presented with 3 options:
1. Add To Work Done:On selection the items are placed in the work done section of the job card.
2. Create Inactive Checklist:This option will attach an inactive checklist to the job card for the imported service.
3. Create Active Checklist:To attach an active checklist select this option
Checklists: Can now be emailed with the invoice by selecting the option available from the job update form.
Checklists can also be emailed with a message to the customer at any time during the repair / servicing process. To activate this option, select checklists from the bottom of the job card screen. Selecting the email button displays a note box, enter your message, finalise and your email is sent. Your message will be in the body of the email with checklists as a PDF attachment.
Job Card, Labour allocation: The labour allocation screen allows you to allocate labour to single or multiple technicians. To use this function you will first need to setup your technicians in the employee list by selecting Lists / Employees. If you wish to allocate the total hours to one technician select with the mouse and click on allocate remainder. All the labour has now been allocated to the technician selected. To enter multiple labour allocations select a technician and type in the hours or dollar value, select allocate. Repeat this procedure for any subsequent technicians using allocate remainder on the final entry. The labour allocation form allows you to record actual time worked, making it possible to track the true productivity of technicians, payroll also allows you to calculate wages based on hours charged or hours worked. When the task is completed save with OK (F12).
Job Card, Service Reminders – From this screen service reminder records can be added or removed from the vehicle record, or current entries can be edited. If auto close is set to false in the control variables, on closing the job card only the job update screen will be in view although labour and service reminders can still be edited / added or removed.
Service Reminders, Managing from the Job Card: The service reminder form is split into two sections existing service reminders and new service reminders. It is possible to perform the following:
Clearing Existing Reminders: Select clear from under the existing service reminder window
Select add, from the service listing highlight the next service you wish to reminder the customer to have performed, complete the kilometre and month fields.
Odometer Editing: It is possible to edit the odometer from both an open and closed job card. To perform this function point and double click on the odometer field located in the header of the job card. Change the reading in the box provided, save by selecting OK.
Changing Service Reminders: Select the change option from the Service Reminders form. Edit the Kms. And months field on the distance / time form. Select OK (F12) to save.
Removing Service Reminders: Selecting the remove option will delete any highlighted service reminders.
Job Card, Odometer Reading Prompt: Automation will prompt you to enter an odometer reading as you close a job if one of the following has occurred:
1) The odometer reading is the same on this job as the previous closed job performed
2) If the odometer reading field is blank or contains a zero reading.
In either of these situations you will be prompted with the following message
Select yes if you wish to proceed, the vehicle form will open with the cursor flashing in the odometer reading field, enter a value and close the vehicle record with OK (F12). Finalise the close job function.
Job Card, Viewing: Open and closed job cards can be accessed in three ways:
1) Diary screen by double clicking on the green time line and selecting job card
2) Client transaction history – Select clients or vehicles highlight the client or vehicle and select history from the client form a list of all previous transactions is displayed. Point and click on the required line item to open the job card.
3) Sales Screen – Highlight the job you wish to view and double click n the transaction
Job Card, Deleting – This function can only be performed on closed job cards, select clients from the top of the screen, highlight the client with the job card you wish to delete. Double click on the record or select edit to view the client form, select the history tab and perform the following:
1) Highlight the job you wish to delete
2) Select the delete function from the bottom of the screen
3) Type in the password, enter the operators name and reason for the deletion
4) Select OK (F12) to complete the process.
5) If a payment has been made against the job, you will be requested to enter which account you wish to withdraw the payment from, alternatively you can choose not to make an adjustment; in this case the amount will remain on the clients account as an unallocated credit.
All parts and labour allocations relating to the transaction are now reversed, this procedure will only work on closed job cards; open cards cannot be deleted.
Job Card, Reopening: Automation allows you to open a closed job card, to perform this function go to a closed job card either from the diary screen or client card. Select the re-open option. Enter the password (entered in settings / Security). Next you need to enter your name and the reason for the job card to be reopened. When these details have been entered financial records can be edited.
Note: Text can be edited from either an open or closed job card; changes will be printed on the invoice.
Invoicing, Overview: Automation allows you to create three types of invoice a vehicle invoice is not recorded in the day segment of the diary screen. A charge invoice allows you to allocate an invoice to a client account without the client having a vehicle attached. Finally a cash sale gives you the ability to create an invoice without allocating to a customer. All of the invoice functions operate in the same way as a job card.
Invoicing, Accessing: To create a new invoice select the invoice icon from the top of screen, a menu displaying the three invoice types is in view. Select the invoice required by pointing and clicking on your selection.
To start invoices select the invoice icon from the top of screen – from the menu select the type of invoice you wish to create.
Cash Sale: Automation allows the operator to make cash sales without recording any vehicle information. Consequently his function should not be used if you wish to keep details of a transaction against a vehicle.
The cash invoice has the same functionality as a normal job card except the service type headings are not printed on the invoice. Also you are able to exit and return to the card, the open transaction is recorded in the invoice grid of the diary and as a line item in the sales screen. When a cash sale is closed the record is deleted from the dairy screen.
Invoice Layout: Cash sale is the parts and labour default on this form, the cash sale display is not printed on the invoice. It is possible to allocate parts to the cash sale item; only the items selected will be printed on the final invoice.
Notes: This section is used to make notations on the invoice. It is possible to select text lines from the vehicle faults function.
Work Performed: If labour is included on the invoice use this text field to note the work performed. . It is possible to select text lines from the add work done function
Service Selection: It is possible to select services from the cash invoice; you can allocate parts to a service the same as a job card. Note: The invoice will not display the fixed price or mechanical repair headings that are printed on a standard invoice
Cash Sale, Viewing a Closed Invoice: Closed cash sale invoices can be accessed by opening the sales screen, highlighting cash sales from the drop down menu. To view cash sale details point and double click on the line item.
Charge Invoice, Creating: Select the invoice button from the top of screen, Select Charge invoice from the menu, highlight the client from the listing and select OK. These selections will open the invoice form. The charge invoice functions in the same way as a cash invoice.
Order numbers: Select the order number field at the top of form enter the order number in either numeric or text format and finalise with the enter key.
Viewing Charge Invoices: Charge invoices can be viewed from either the diary invoices grid, sales display or the client form by selecting history and double clicking on the transaction.
Invoicing, Re-opening A Cash Or Charge Invoice: Closed invoices can be re-opened from either the client form or sales screen. Open the closed invoice by double clicking on the line item or highlighting and selecting edit. Select the reopen button on the lower menu bar of the invoice form enter the password / name / reason to reopen the invoice. Items or services can now be edited / deleted / added as required.
Invoice Sales Reporting: If parts are allocated to a service on the invoice. Parts and labour values will be displayed in the invoice / service summary report as a service component. However if a service is not selected parts will be listed under the Invoices section of the report.
Salesman, Adding To The Invoice: It is possible to record the salesman’s name on both the charge and cash sale invoice. Select the button to the right hand side of the salesman field, highlight the record required and select OK from the menu bar of the select a staff member display. The name is now recorded in the salesman field; these details will be printed under the financial summary of the invoice.
Vehicle Invoice, Creating: Select the invoice button from the top of screen, Select vehicle invoice from the menu. Select the client, vehicle and service required. The vehicle invoice functions in exactly the same way as an open job card except the details are not displayed in the date cells of the diary screen.
Vehicle Invoice, Accessing: The vehicle invoice can be accessed from the following: Sales, Diary, Client Form / History.
The eighth grid of the diary screen when in week view lists open vehicle, cash and charge invoice. To view an invoice, point and double click on the transaction. Closed invoices are not displayed in this grid
Credit Memo, Overview: A credit memo is used when a client returns previously purchased items or a refund is given on services performed. Automation allows you to process a credit memo for the customer and pay the refund from a designated account. When the transaction is finalised all parts listed on a credit memo are placed back into stock.
Credit Memo, Creating: Select Activities / Create Credit Memo from the top menu highlight the required customer; confirm your selection with OK (F12). The credit memo form is now displayed. All functions on the credit memo work exactly the same as an invoice or job card.
Credit Memo, Adding A Part: Highlight Select the add part button to enter parts from either the catalogue listing or inventory file, to select an item type the part number into the search field and select by either pointing and clicking or pressing the enter key. Multiple selections are available from this screen, when all selections are made click on OK (F12). The items are entered into the parts and labour section of the job card, point at the quantity and financial fields click to edit, you can navigate using your arrow keys.
Credit Memo, Adding A Service: To add a service to the credit memo select add service. The service listing is now displayed select a service by moving the cursor with the arrow keys or pointing and clicking on the service description. This process will flag the service by placing a tick in the box to the right of the list; multiple services can also be flagged for importing to the job card. Selecting OK (F12) will paste your selections to the credit memo.
Credit Memo, Adding A Buy-in: Select the buy-in button, this opens the select a buy-in list, locate the item or items you are going to refund confirm with OK (F12). A message will request that you confirm conversion of the item to inventory (This is necessary as buy-ins are not held in inventory) select OK (F12). Buy-ins will appear in your parts listing as inventory once the memo is processed. The item is now listed in the parts and labour section of the memo; it is possible to alter retail prices if required.
Credit Memos, Finalising: Select close from the menu bar if auto close is set to true you can allocate labour. If auto close is turn off and you wish to allocate labour select the labour button from the job update report. At the payment receipt form select the refund media and the account you wish to pay from. Undeposited funds contain payments that have been received but not deposited, if a payment is made from this account it will appear as a negative receipt in the receipts listing.
Credit Memos, Viewing: Closed credit memos can be accessed by opening the client listing, highlighting the record, clicking and selecting history from the client form. Double clicking on a transaction displays the details. Alternatively view from the sales screen
Estimates, Overview: Automation has the ability to fully manage your estimates; functions include creation by customer and vehicle, reporting and conversion including automatic purchase order generation. It is easy to retain details of any parts required for individual jobs including supplier, cost and intended retail prices. Automation tracks all estimates allowing for either the printing of a report or a quick view function from the sales screen. Converting Estimates to jobs is as simple as a selecting the conversion option at the bottom of the Estimate form.
Estimates, Generating: Estimates can be created from the client form, activities or by selecting the estimates option from the top of screen. Once the estimate is open perform the following
1) Select the service button, highlight the service required and click on the line item or press the enter key. Select any additional services in the same way, when completed select OK (F12) to paste your selections to the estimate form. Add parts to the estimate by highlighting the service record, clicking on parts, making your selections and confirming with OK (F12).
2) Add text to the work done field if required.
3) Select the print button to print a customer copy.
4) Save the estimate by selecting OK (F12).
Estimates, Adding Buy-ins: To apply a buy-in to a quotation you need to follow the same process as when adding to a job card, however when adding buy-ins to a job card you are simply retaining the details for conversion to a purchase order if the quotation is converted to a job card.
1) Highlight the service you are going to allocate the buy-in part to
2) Select buy-in from the row of options located below the parts and labour window
3) Highlight a suppliers from the list – select OK (F12)
4) Enter the purchase order number (or accept the sequential number) – press enter
5) Select an item from the buy-in list or add a new item by selecting new
6) Confirm selection with OK (F12)
7) Edit the line item if required
8) Select OK (F12) to save
Estimates, Creating A Buy-In Item: To add a new buy-in to the list select new from the bottom of the buy-in list and complete the following fields displayed on the Part Form / Buy-in:
Part: Description of the item
Part No: Manufacturers reference
Type: Auto select – Buy-in
Category: Use the button to the right and select from the category list
Income Parts: Default account
Cost: Inc or Ex
Price: Enter or select the calculator option
Tax: Default tax codes to change make a selection from the list
Included: Cost & Price includes or excludes tax
Selecting new from the menu bar of the select buy-in listing opens the part form in buy-in mode. Complete the fields and save OK (F12) the new item is automatically entered into the list and flagged for insertion to the job card.
Estimates, Viewing: Estimates can be viewed from either the client listing, Job card, booking form or sales screen.
Estimates, Creating with No Vehicle: Automation allows for creation of estimates which can be converted into a job card (vehicle details included) or a charge invoice (no vehicle details required). To create a non-vehicle estimate ie: sale of parts only simply follow the same process as if you were creating an estimate to be converted to a job card, when you get to the vehicle selection screen do not select a vehicle (if there is one) and exit out of the screen.
You will now be presented with a new estimate, displaying client details only, on conversion this will become a charge invoice. You can still search for this type of estimation via the sales screen, client form and reporting in exactly the same way as you do vehicle estimations.
Client Listing - Open the client form from the client listing by highlighting the client name double clicking on the line or selecting edit (F2) from the bottom of the display. Alternatively you can view a Estimate from the job card or booking form by selecting the client option from either screen to access the client form. Select the history tab, click on the Estimates button to list, to view details of a quotation point at the line item and double click.
Job Card - Select client from the bottom of the job card to display the client form. Select the history tab, click on the Estimates button to list, to view details of a quotation point at the line item and double click.
Booking Form - Select client from the right-hand side of the booking form to display the client form. Select the history tab, click on the Estimates button to list, to view details of a quotation point at the line item and double click.
Sales Screen – To view estimates from the sales screen select the estimates option from the top of the display:
To view details point and click on the line item, if you wish to view estimates that were created in a different period select the date range required, to view all estimates select all from the drop down period menu.
Estimates, Reporting: Automation allows you to print a report containing details of estimates for any date range. Select reports from the top of the screen, click on service reports, select quotation report from the sub menu.
Select the date range, only estimates created during those date will be printed on your report. The report displays client and vehicle details, quotation reference number, brief description and the total.
The convert option is only available from estimates
Estimates, Converting to a Job or Booking Locate the quotation from the client form / history display, point and double click on the line item, the quotation is displayed. Select the convert button from the bottom of the display; you will be prompted to create a job card, booking or to cancel. When an estimate is converted the converted column will display the job number.
Estimates, Converted Buy-ins: If your quotation included buy-ins you will notice these line items are displayed with an order reference in the parts and labour listing. The reference indicates that a purchase order containing the original detail is present in the purchasing module.
Receive items on order through the purchasing function by selecting the purchase order and converting to a bill, the job card is automatically updated.
Job Card, Job Update Report: The job update Report displays a summary of the job details, this will display automatically after exiting the payment receipts form if auto close is set to true. The job update form is displayed after selecting the close button if auto close is set to false.
Print Check Lists – Select this option if you wish to print check lists attached to services
Hide Fixed Price Parts – This feature allows you to not print parts that have been included in a fixed price service
Bill to Fleet Solutions: This option is only available to Repco authorised sites – tick the box if you wish to allocate this sale to Fleet Solutions. Note: The client will have to be set up as a sub client of Fleet Solutions for you to receipt multiple payments.
Printing, Invoices from Closed Job Cards: Select Ok (F12) from the job update report, to print the attachments (checklists) tick the print attachments on invoice selection. It is also possible to print a closed invoice from the body of a closed invoice by selecting the print option and clicking on invoice.
Emailing From The Job Card Close: As you close the job card you are presented with the option to print or email the form. If you wish to email the invoice point and click in the email option checkbox, select OK, Automation will confirm sending of the document. Note: This feature will only function when an email address is recorded on the client card.
RSA Issue: If you are issuing roadside assistance you can select the method from the RSA Issue section of the job close form.
viewing from a Job Card: You
may want to view details of the job labour allocation after it has been
closed. Go to a closed job card; select the labour button to view the
labour allocation screen. It is possible to edit the labour changes from
this screen even though the job card is closed.
Charge To: This option allows you to charge an alternative client for the job. Point and click on the button to the right of the charge field, your customer list is displayed, highlight the client you wish to bill, select OK (F12) from the bottom of the client list, your selection is displayed in the field. Click OK (F12) to finalise the transaction.
An entry is posted to both the original client and the billed clients service history, no value is posted to the original client.
Billed client’s history
Original client’s history
The transaction will be printed on the charged client’s statement
Rounding, Job Card: Charging this job to an account customer and do not want it rounded (if you have set the option in site settings) simply deselect the rounding option in the summary section.
Overview: In line with our remote offering we have made changes to the methods used to save photos, files and store certificate records for those location that perform roadworthy checks. The change now includes the ability to save photos is both Jpeg and png formats plus we have extended the file formats that can be attached to a job to include PDF’s, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. The following instructions are split into two sections, firstly for users running a local database and secondly users who are accessing their data from our web server.
Local Database: Sites accessing a local server still save their photos and documents in the Autopics folder which is a sub-folder of Automation Server. If you wish this folder to be accessed across the network you must setup file sharing by using Windows/File explorer opening the Automation Server folder then pointing at the Autopics folder right hand mouse click and select properties, in properties select the sharing tab, select the share option, from the file sharing screen select or type in the blank filed Everyone, select add, Everyone is now added to the list, next click on the read option over on the right, select Read/Write from the drop down list, select Share, a confirmation message will display. Once you have shared the folder all users are able to view and save photos and files regardless of which terminal they are using.
Running a local server requires you to place your photos and files into the sub folders created in Autopics by accessing the new file option from the job card. The sub folder can be named in two ways depending on how you want to file your photos and documents. On selecting the file option (Camera Button) you are presented with two choices to name your Autopics sub-folder, firstly use the job number (default) and secondly for those that wish to file by certificate number you have a second option.
If you wish to file by job number simply select OK (F12) a folder will be created in C:\Automation Server\Autopics with a title of the job card number. Any photos or files saved in that folder are accessible from the job card with the corresponding job number.
Photos and files you wish to save against a job are simply placed into the corresponding folder.
For your reference a screen message will inform you where the folder resides
The second option allows you to enter a certificate number in the free typing field, the entry will also populate the certificate form. Obviously if you use a certificate number as the folder name to be created then photos and files will need to be saved to that location.
Adding Photos & Files: There are three options at the bottom of the file window, to add a file click on the edit option, your folder will open allowing you to navigate your PC, copy and paste files to the designated location.
Once you have placed your file in the Autopics folder you will be able to access them from the job card.
Note: If you still have the file window open from the job card while adding files you must select Done and then re-open the window to view the photos and files.
Remote Database: The process is very similar to accessing a local database, with the exception of the user having to create a folder on the remote server to store files, in the case of remote select the file option (Camera Button) from the job card, from the display click on edit you are taken to the Automation Online Photos upload page here you will see the options in the screen below.
Options Available From Automation Online Photos Upload
To add photos or files, select the add files option you are now able to navigate your PC and select files for upload.
Once you have made your selection click OK (F12) you can now see a list of your photos and files including thumbnails. You next need to select upload to move the files from your local machine to the web database, as these are uploaded you can see progress bars, if you wish to only upload individual photos or files click on the start option adjacent to the thumbnail and file name.
Uploading Files To The Remote Server
When the files have uploaded you will see a similar screen that has extra options, the ability to select a photo or document for emailing and a delete function against each individual entry. To delete an entry simply select the delete option.
Emailing From The Remote Server: To Email files and text to a client point and click on the checkbox located next to the thumbnail, next select email to client, type the text you wish to send. The client will receive the email displaying the files, your text and contact details that can be used to contact you either via phone SMS or email (we include your email address in the body of the email).
Downloading From Remote Server: Using a remote database allows you to download selected files and store them locally according to job or certificate number. To download a single file or multiples perform the following. Open the job card, click on the files icon (if files are present you will see a red exclamation mark on the icon), from the file display select download the files will be saved on your local drive in C:\Automation Client\Files, the name of the folder will be the job number or the certificate number (if you created one). A message will show you the path, giving you an option to view the folder.
Local database: If you wish to record a roadworthy using a certificate number, click on the file option from a new job card, you are presented with an option to save files by job or certificate number, enter the number in the free typing field. The entry will populate the certificate number in the certificate screen.
To open the certificate, select the certificate option, the standard check form will be in view displaying the number you entered, during this process you have also created a folder named by certificate number in the C:\Automation Client\Files folder this is where you will need to save photos and files locally.
Remote Database: Open a new job card for the roadworthy you wish to perform, select the files option, from the files form, select certificate the certificate form will display, type the certificate number into the available field and save using OK (F12). You can now reopen the certificate at any time from the job card via the files option.
Note: Once a certificate is created a red exclamation mark is visible on the certificate option, to upload / download photos and files reference the notes according to your server type.
Roadworthiness Reporting: Click on reports / register of certificates of roadworthiness enter the date range, a report containing the information below is displayed, select the print option from the screen to print.
Photo References: Automation online users can now emboss references onto the photos taken and uploaded during the roadworthy check. To satisfy the requirements of Main Roads auditors these references include the certificate number, creation date and time.
Roadworthy, Embossing Photo References:The process is managed from the job card, firstly upload your photos to the cloud server in the normal way. Click on the files option to view the photo list, over on the right-hand side you will see a checkbox, to flag a photo for embossing point and click in the box.
To finalise the embossing process, select imprint from the bottom of the photo display you will now see a reference on the photo on the top left-hand side. To expand the photo simply point and double click on the thumbnail, you will now see the full reference placed on the top left-hand side of the photo.
Please Note:This feature is only available for sites that are hosting their data on the Microbase cloud server.
Overview:The Automation Premium job integrates with Smart Inspector via the Repco and Coventrys ordering systems. Features include the ability to upload client and vehicle information directly to Smart Inspector, link a completed inspection to a job card and monitor job progress plus print, view and email checklists including any attached photos.
Microbase strongly suggests that that all inspections are started as estimates working with this form rather than a job allows the user to download parts from Navigator or Pro-Link, once the estimate is accepted it can be converted to an open job and the parts placed on order.
For sites using the on line job card estimates can be viewed the same as open jobs with exactly the same links available to the technician.
The following instructions use screen shots from Repco, the procedures are exactly the same if you are a Coventrys customer and use the Pro-Link interface, when presented with the options you simply choose Pro-Link instead of Navigator.
The first step in linking a Smart Inspection checklist to an estimate / job card is to select the Smart Inspector option from the task bar under the parts and labour section.
On selection you will be requested whether you wish to continue
To move forward confirm with yes
Next you will need to select the supplier interface Navigator or Pro-Link, on selection you will be taken to the create new job screen in Smart Inspector.
The form is populated with the client and vehicle details, if the vehicle details are incomplete you will need to “drill down” using the supplier vehicle database to complete the name, model, engine and car variant fields. You can also make notes directly in Smart Inspector by utilising the further notes field, the notes are returned to Automation. Note: you must select what type of inspection is required from the drop down list provided.
To complete the new job card and return to Automation select the save and close option at the bottom of screen.
You will need to close the Navigator / Pro-Link screen, select the browser tab X.
On returning to Automation you will see a confirmation message indicating the inspection has been created.
Inspection Status, Smart Inspector: to view inspection status from Automation select the Smart Inspector option from the estimate / job card. From the inspection detail form you can see the status of the inspection, if the inspection is still work in progress this is indicated by incomplete in the status field. The inspection must be finalised in Smart Inspector for the status to change to complete.
You are now ready to complete the inspection via Smart Inspector and return any parts required back to Automation.
Completing an Inspection, Smart Inspector: Open smart inspector and go to incomplete, you will see a list of
Inspections that are work in progress, to complete an inspection select go, this action will open your inspection sheet.
Complete the inspection sheet indicating what parts are required to fix any items that have failed, in the above example we have failed the disc pads and indicated we need one set of each.
The check is now listed in the completed section and will be downloaded to Automation upon request.
To insert parts you will need to return to the Smart Inspector job card screen via Automation, select the save and close, if you have indicated on the inspection sheet you require parts Smart Inspector will prompt you to open Navigator / Pro-Link so you can “drill down” to the items you require and return the items to Automation on finalisation these are placed on the estimate / job card.
Completed Inspections Viewing: To view / print a completed list from Automation select inspector and let the completed inspection sheet download, you will see the status has changed to completed plus you have a reference URL in the report field – this represents the link Smart Inspector has created to store the inspection. To view select the yellow folder to the right of the report field, depending on how your machine is set-up you should next see a screen indicating where the report has been saved on your local machine, this is usually downloads.
Select open from the options and you will be able to view / print the report from your PDF viewer.
From the view downloads form you can also choose to save the file to another folder if you wish, any photos that were attached via Smart Inspector will be referenced at the bottom of the report.
Emailing a job summary, estimate or invoice that has a completed inspection attached will result in the link to the inspection being inserted in the form PDF. Your client simply needs to point and double click on the link to view.
Sales, Overview: The sales display lists invoices, jobs and credit memos including the status (open or closed) plus the financials of each transaction. The display includes date, open invoices and outstanding filters; it is also possible to search by client and invoice number. It is also possible to process payments from this screen by selecting the payments bottom from the bottom of the screen. Transaction history for an individual client can be viewed from the client form by selecting the history tab; transactions can be filtered by registration number. You also have access to a unique previous job search feature from the sales screen that allows you search for a previous transaction by key word, (must be in the text area of the job card) and make and model. This feature will assist you with quoting when the same job has been performed previously.
Select the sales button from the
top of the screen to display transactions
Sales, Accessing: To open the sales screen select the sales button from the top of the display, to view transaction details highlight a record, point and double click the job card or invoice is displayed. Select OK or Cancel from the job, invoice or credit memo screen to return to the sales listing.
The screen is set to automatically display transactions for the month to date, open transactions are always displayed regardless of the date they were created. It is possible to select another period by clicking on the button to the right of the month to date field, from the drop down menu point and click on the period you require.
Current: Shows cash sales, open and closed jobs/ invoices
You can also select the - from to dates- by either typing into the fields at the top of form in DD/MM/YY format or selecting the button to the right of the - from / to - boxes and double clicking on the date required. Today’s date is highlighted in red, to move between months select the arrows at the top of the calendar form.
Sales, Viewing By Transaction Type: It is possible to filter sales records by transaction types. Point and click on the arrow located to the right of the field displaying current on the top right hand side of the screen header. To filter records by transaction type make your selection and double mouse click, only records relating to the chosen transaction type and date range or period will be displayed.
Outstanding Balances: Outstanding balances are highlighted in red on the sales screen except for open jobs or invoices (Work In Progress) Credit balances that have not been processed are displayed as a figure enclosed in brackets ie: ($456.30). You can filter any records by date range or client: for instance if you wish to view all transactions with an outstanding balance select all from the date drop down menu.
Open Invoices: Displays all open invoices and jobs
Cash Sales:: Displays a list of cash sales in the selected period or date range
Estimates: Shows all Estimates created within the selected date range or period
Bookings: Displays all booking for the date range or period
Closed Jobs: When selected only closed jobs / invoices populate the screen for the chosen period or date range
Sales, Searching By Client, Job Number, Registration & Order: To filter records by client select the button to the right of the view by client field, the client list is displayed, highlight the required client and select OK (F12) from the bottom of the client list, the client’s name is entered into the field, point and click in the check box above the clients name.
To search by job number, enter the invoice number you wish to reference into the view job # field, point and click in the checkbox. Follow the same procedure to search by registration number or order number, remember to tick the box above each field you wish to filter by. Search criteria can be by single or multiple filters.
Sales, Searching By Key Word, Make & Model: The sales screen allows you to search for previous jobs by Make, Model and keyword. To use this feature, select the button to the right of the make field, point and click on the make required, perform the same for model, finally enter the keyword you are searching by into the keyword field and tick the check box above the text.
It is essential that after selecting your search criteria you change the period or dates if the record is not found in the month to date. Using a combination of filters will narrow the search.
Sales, Multi Print Function: From the sales screen it is possible to print multiple copies of invoices, work orders and job cards. You can also choose to print checklists with job cards or invoices. To print multiples select transactions from the sales screen by pointing and clicking on the line, a tick is displayed in the checkbox. Point and click on the multi print icon at the bottom of the screen, select the form type and whether you wish to print checklists from the menu,
Sales, Viewing Totals: The totals at the bottom of the sales screen change according to the search criteria. Values equal total transaction value, amount paid and the outstanding balance.
Sales, Transaction Type: The sales screen displays the transaction type; there are 5 types which are:
Invoice = Job card (created from the diary)
Vehicle = Vehicle invoice (Created from Invoice / Vehicle Invoice Option)
Cash = Cash Sale
Charge = Invoice created without vehicle details
Credit = Credit memo
Receipts, Overview: Automation allows you to process money received for jobs or invoices from the sales, job card, invoices, cash sale or receipts screen these screens can be bypassed by selecting Activities / Receive Payment from the top menu bar. Each option takes you to the payment receipts form which allows you to allocate payment to single or multiple invoices. Receipts are viewed from the receipts screen, outstanding monies are reported in the AR aging summary in current / 30 / 60 / 90 day format.
Note: Part payments can be allocated to the invoice from this screen
Job Card, Processing Payment: Processing a payment as the job card is closed requires the operator to select payments from the job update screen if auto close procedure is not turned on. If this feature is used the payment receipt form will open automatically after selecting OK (F12) from the service reminder form. To process a payment you will notice the value of the invoice is recorded in the amount field. To accept payment select the payment media and either auto apply if or select the invoice by mouse clicking in the box to the right of the top of transaction. Selecting OK will display an updated job report and print a record of the payment on the invoice
Receipts, Accessing Payment Form: The payment form is available from the following screens:
Job Update
Alternatively select Activities / Receive payments option from the top of screen, each one of these options will open the payment receipt form. Opening the form from receipts and the activities menu requires you to search the client listing for the record you are going to allocate payment to. Opening the form from the sales screen automatically enters details of the highlighted transaction including the balance payable. Processing from the job update screen enters the value of the job or invoice just closed.
The payment receipt form is split into three areas:
Client Details: Includes the client name, payment terms, credit limit and current balance.
Payment Details: Amount being allocated, media, account and transaction record.
Payment Allocation: List of outstanding invoices including outstanding balances
Receipts, Processing Payment: The most popular way of processing payment is from the sales screen, as most clients do not pay as the job is finalised. If the payment option is not selected as the job is closed the amount is allocated to the clients account. The payment form lists ALL outstanding invoices for the client, enter the amount and media type account and record if required, next flag invoices that you wish to allocate payment to. The allocation and balance fields will change accordingly. If the amount to be paid equals the total balance select auto apply flagging all listed invoices, if you make a mistake reset will un-flag your selections.
If a percentage value has been recorded in database settings the surcharge is automatically calculated and added to the invoice value. Select from the card selection menu and the recorded percentage is added to the invoice total.
The surcharge is posted to an Income account titled Credit Card Surcharges, the total collected over any period can be viewed from the profit and loss report
Receipts, Editing from the Payment Receipt Form: To view / edit an existing receipt from the 70payment receipt form point and double click on the transaction, the receipt form will be displayed, edit as required click OK (F12) and you will return to the Payment receipt form, any previous selections will remain flagged.
Receipts, Selecting Payment Media: Click on the button to the right of the payment receipt form media field, from the drop down list select the payment media and click your selection is now visible.
Receipts, Unapplied Credits: Unapplied credits are payments received that have not been allocated to an outstanding invoice. For instance you may have received payment in advance for a job and wish to allocate the amount when the job is closed. Unapplied credits can be selected from the media type drop down menu located on the top right-hand side of the receipt payment form, point and double click on your selection and the form will close, reselect to apply further payments to invoices.
Receipts, Applying Unallocated Payments: Automation allows you to receive money without allocating the funds to an invoice; you may also delete a paid invoice without deleting the original payment. Both of these actions will result in an unallocated amount being credited to the client account. It is possible to apply these unallocated payments to subsequent invoices from the payment receipt form. If unallocated payments exist you will see the value displayed in red on the header of the form, the payments button is active when unallocated payments exist.
apply unallocated payments select the payment icon, the receipts screen
opens displaying all unallocated payment for the client. To allocate an
amount point and click on the unallocated transaction which is indicated
by a red cross. The payment receipt form opens, apply the unallocated
values to outstanding invoices in the normal way.
Receipts, Selecting An Account: The default account is Undeposited funds, although payments can be directly credited to another current asset or bank account, if you wish to deposit a payment another account such as an EFT payment to your trading account select the button to the right of the account field from the list highlight the account you wish to post the payment to, confirm by using OK (F12). Payments can be allocated to bank or a fixed asset account. Accepting the Undeposited funds default will allow you to deposit funds to a bank account from the receipts screen.
Receipts, Accessing: To access the receipts screen select Accounts from the top menu, click on receipts from the drop down list.
The receipts screen displays all payments including account allocations. All transactions that have not yet been deposited are allocated to undeposited funds (highlighted in red). When payments are deposited to an account the posting account is entered on the line item. It is possible to process new payments and create deposits from this screen. To view transaction details, highlight the record and double click or select edit to open the receipt form.
Receipts, Selecting Date: The screen is set to automatically display transactions for the month to date. It is possible to select another period by clicking on the button to the right of the month to date field, from the drop down menu point and click on the period you require. You can also select the - from to dates - by either typing into the fields at the top of form in DD/MM/YY format or selecting the button to the right of the - from / to - boxes and double clicking on the date required. Today’s date is highlighted in red, to move between months select the arrows at the top of the calendar form.
Receipts, Viewing Unallocated Payments: An unallocated payment is indicated by a red cross in the allocated field, if you wish to view just unallocated payments select the unallocated check box at the top of the screen. You will need to specify a date range by selecting from the drop down period selection or entering a from and to date
Receipts, Viewing Undeposited Payments: To view Undeposited payments select the undeposited check box at the top of the screen. Again the date selection will need to entered, if you are going to create a deposit it is suggested you select all from the date period menu.
Receipts, Viewing By Single Client: From the bottom of the receipts screen select the button to the right of the view by single client option. The client list is now in view, highlight the client and confirm with OK (F12) point and click on the check box above the field. Only transactions relating to the client are in view. You will need to select a period or date range if you wish to view transactions pre month to date.
Receipts, Searching By Amount: To search by value enter into the show amount field and tick the show amount box
Receipts, Editing: It is possible to edit a payment from the receipt screen, select the payment double click. Details of the payment are displayed; the amount can be edited and invoices un-flagged. Confirm with OK (F12), the changes are recorded against the original transaction.
Receipts, Purchase Payments: When paying suppliers it is possible to pay from Undeposited funds, the transaction is listed as a negative amount ie: ($110.00). Indicating this money which would normally be cash is missing from your undeposited funds. You create deposits from this screen; to ensure your deposit reconciles you need to select the negative transactions to deduct these values from your cash holding.
Receipts, Credit Memos: It is also possible to refund a client from undeposited funds; these values will also appear as a negative indicating the cash is missing from your receipts. The negative receipts need to be selected when processing a deposit.
Receipts, Deleting: It is possible to delete a receipt which does not form part of a reconciled deposit. Automation does not allow you to edit or delete transactions once they have been reconciled. Receipt deletions adjust the original transactions they were allocated to. For instance you process a payment of $500.00 against a $1,000.00 invoice leaving a balance of $500.00; if you delete the $500.00 receipt then the outstanding balance of the invoice will return to $500.00. To delete a receipt highlight the entry and select delete from the bottom of the screen. A warning box will request you confirm the request, if the transaction forms part of a reconciled deposit a message box will cancel the deletion.
Receipts, Processing A Payment: From the bottom of the receipts screen select new to open the payment receipts form. Select the button to the right of the client field, from the list highlight the required entry confirm with OK (F12). The payment receipt form lists ALL outstanding invoices for the client, enter the amount and media type, account and record if required, next flag invoices that you wish to allocate payment to. The allocation and balance fields will change accordingly. If the amount to be paid equals the total balance select auto apply flagging all listed invoices, if you make a mistake reset will un-flag your selections. Finalise by selecting OK (F12) from the payment receipts form.
Overview: Automation now interfaces with the Openpay online network, this new feature allows you to process billings directly to Openpay, once authorised the pending payments due are deposited to an Openpay clearing account (bank account). You can use this account to transfer payments as they are received directly to your bank via the transfer funds option available from the admin menu. You can also pay any fees due to Openpay from the clearing account by raising a bill in purchasing for outstanding processing fees and then paying from the Openpay clearing account.
Enabling Openpay: To accept Openpay you will first need to enter your credentials provided, to do this select File / Site Settings / Online > Openpay Option.
Into the Openpay screen select the enable Openpay for this database option, enter your token number, by default the account payments are received into will be the Openpay Clearing Account, if you wish to use an alternate select the button to the right of the account field, point and double click on your selection and save with OK (F12). We strongly suggest you separate your Openpay transactions as this will make for easy reconciliation when transferring to your bank or paying any Openpay charges. Save your settings with OK (F12) from the Openpay and site settings display.
Openpay, Transaction Processing: Firstly, it is important to note that Openpay need to receive details of the transaction, for this to occur you can only process Openpay from either the payment option as you close the job card or charge invoice and the sales screen by highlighting the transaction and selecting payment from the bottom of the screen. Please be aware that you can’t process multiple invoice in one Openpay transaction, each invoice will need to be authorised and processed individualy.
From the sales screen highlight the invoice you wish to process via Openpay or if proceeding from the close job card form simply click on payment. In the payment receipt form make sure the correct transaction is flagged for payment, move up to the media filed and select Openpay, a sub screen will open requesting you to enter the customer ID. Enter the details and select create.
The client will via the Openpay application receive an intention to buy notification, before you can proceed they need to accept the payment plan and select proceed from their smart phone. You will see a message informing you that the plan has been created, a reference number is inserted into the Openpay sub form, once the client accepts the plan you can select the confirm option.
You will now receive an order and plan status indicator, appoved and active, to deposit the payment into your Openpay clearing account select the OK (F12) option at the bottom of the form, you are then taken into the Automation payment receipt form showing the paymet and the account it has been deposited to.
Statements, Overview: Automation allows you to produce client statements for any period. The statement form lists the opening balance, transactions, payments and a closing balance for the date range. When printing a statement for a client with sub-accounts transactions for each individual account are listed. The form also has a payment advice section that can be mailed back to you with payment.
Statements can be printed or emailed for all clients with balances other than zero or for selected clients. Select the activities menu, click on create statements, selecting outstanding will allow you to print statements or email all clients with an outstanding balance.
Choosing the selective option allows you to select individual or multiple clients you wish to print or email statements for from the client list. Both options will display a list of clients with outstanding balances, you now have the ability to select by what means you wish to deliver the statement either email or printed. If a client has an email address it is displayed in the window. When emailing to a selective listing simply select the records that have email addresses and choose email from the bottom of the display, these records will be deleted from the list when an email has been sent successfully, you are now able to select the remainder for printing.
Previewing Statements: It is possible to preview individual statements from the create statements display. Select activities / create statements > outstanding or selective, a list of statements to be processed is in view to preview an entry, highlight and select the preview option located at the bottom of the screen.
Statements, Selecting Date Range: From the enter date range display you can select a period such as last month, the date range is inserted in the from / to fields. Alternatively type the date range into the from / to fields or select from the drop down calendar
Statements, Printing Remittance Advice: If you wish to print or email a remittance advice with each statement select the option at the bottom of the task display.
Statements, Clients with Zero Balances: To ensure you do not print or email statements for client with a zero balance select the option from the message box.
Statements By Aging Formula: Accessing Activities / Create Statements will allow you to select the format of your statement – date range which simply looks at the date an invoice was created and the date of any payments made these are applied to most outstanding invoices to create an aging by current / 30 / 60 / 90+ days. The second method allows you to produce statements on an allocation basis, this method calculates aging based on the actual payment allocation to a specific invoice.
On the create statement form you will see an aging formula option over on the bottom right hand corner of the display. To select the method required, click on the arrow to the right of the field and select either allocation or date range.