Getting The Most Out Of Automation That You Possibly Can
The functionality of Automation has grown substantially
over the past few years and will continue to do so in the future and as such
begs this question,
Are You Getting The Most Out Of
Microbase would like to offer you specialised training at a reduced rates to
make sure that you are using the program to the fullest extent; this service
consists of extra training (move up to the next level), database integrity over
networks, correct backup procedures & implementation.
Remote Training
Is there any functionality that you are not sure on or not even using yet, how
about a refresher on what you are utilising, we can help you be better at what
you are doing now. Do you use all the functions in Automation, such as
Inventory/Category management, Payroll, Marketing, Budgeting etc if not then we
can help you get on top of it all so you can experience the full value of
Automation Premium.